Adding New Prospects
for Sales Growth

Finding New Prospective Customers and
Turning Them Into Continuing ‘Buyers’
Regional businesses (casinos, regional grocery stores, local restaurant chains, etc.) do not have the large budgets and expertise to grow their sales (patrons) as most national organizations. Adding new sales, attaining repeat sales can be key to the success of a regional business. Solutions to this important challenge is how can the organization archive continual increases in sales in a tractable cost effective way? There are the usual avenues are radio, television, and print. These media sources can be effective but on the other hand not tractable to see the payback and tend to be expensive. Referrals are always effective not a way to grown your business. With the advent of the Internet and as time moves on the buyers are more digital savvy. Digital marketing with display ads, buying mailing lists, paid search are some avenues to increase sales but in the digital world, watch out for this world is complex and can expensive if you are not experienced in using the tools. Very fine tuned mailing lists can be purchased but there is a chance there will be a return on investment. An opt-in lead, a lead that is totally created by the buyer who has an interest in buying is certainly preferable and more valuable.
Enter PeytonDigital: Focusing on building your
new and reoccurring customers
PeytonDigital has a proven process and service to build with laser precision a customer database of buyers that will most likely buy NOW and on a continuing future basis. The program can be setup quickly and new sales will start coming almost immediately. In fact as little as a month or maybe two, you will have paid for your small investment. Once the database has had its initial start, your operation has the continual power to ‘pepper’ the very targeted refined customers with special offers and incentives to pull them back into your business to buy again and again.
The key and important part why this works is that PeytonDigital has a process that is somewhat complex of bringing customers to your business that have on their own have come forth to say they are interested in buying your product or service. This is a very powerful event and it is the main element that will increase your sales today and in the future.
Your lead generation using PeytonDigital
- Complete digital lead generation solution
- Exclusive qualified branded leads for your company (Your leads are never resold!)
- Localized and targeted campaigns
- Instant lead email alerts and campaign reporting
- Web and phone lead tracking
- Landing page design or consulting
- Little risk and immediate payback
Bringing a lead/client using the PeytonDigital new and continuing customer acquisition program will cost effectively grow your sales now
contact us
for an assessment of your business’s use of this special program to increase sales
ppc advertising
for all search engines
online display
landing page
lead generation