The Smart Way to Get High
Quality Student Leads


PeytonDigital specializes in exclusive student leads that our acquired via your school’s brand and never resold to any other school. There are many third-party directories that serve schools, but their quality is very much in question. The leads are gathered in broad (and often deceptive) manner and sold to numerous clients in a single market. This means the prospect will likely be more of a ‘tire kicker’ and will be contacted by many schools besides your own. So actual conversion rates into students are low.


Regional specialty school increases student starts with exclusive leads

A regional for-profit school already spent a considerable amount of money on Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and third-party directory services but wasn’t seeing results in either lead volume or qualified prospects.

Schools in both major and secondary metropolitan areas are finding it difficult to obtain finding qualified leads. How can a school spend its marketing budget effectively? Spreading your budget across Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram, and Bing can be costly if not done strategically;  as it isn’t only about finding search terms, but also includes A/B testing ad copy, landing pages, and different types of digital campaigns. Third-party directory services aren’t exclusive, so most prospects do not convert into students.

Enter PeytonDigital: Focusing the search for students

PeytonDigital was hired initially as a lead generation solution to supplement a third-party school directory service. The school brand, competition, and existing PPC program were thoroughly analyzed. PeytonDigital built new landing pages and refined the school’s messaging to new students. A series of new digital campaigns were then customized to target desktop, tablet, and mobile users. Display and retargeting banner campaigns completed a more concise pipeline for student lead acquisition.

Student lead acquisition campaign results

After only a few days, lead volume increased and lead cost dropped by 30%, but the real test was whether these leads would turn into students. After 30 days of service and continued campaign fine-tuning, lead CPA was now down significantly from the original campaign. As a result, the school dropped the third-party directory service and channeled its entire online budget into PeytonDigital.

Your new student lead generation using PeytonDigital

  • Complete digital lead generation solution
  • Exclusive qualified branded leads for your school (Your leads are never resold!)
  • Localized and targeted campaigns
  • Instant lead email alerts and campaign reporting
  • Web and phone lead tracking
  • Landing page design or consulting


Contact us today to learn more about growing your enrollments.

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